At 65 years old, André Bansard, a Native Mayenne resident of Haie-Traversaine, is a very active retiree.

I am still an employee of a company I created and for ten years I have been a volunteer for the aviation without borders association as an aircraft mechanic, he introduces.

Aviation Sans Frontières, thanks to its aircraft based in Africa, makes it possible to transport humanitarian personnel, to transport basic necessities and to carry out emergency medical evacuations. It provides logistical support to non-governmental organizations and international organizations such as Handicap International, Action Contre la Faim, the French Red Cross, Médecins sans frontières, etc. The association is supported by the United Nations.

Cessna F-OJJE

André Bansard already has 50 missions to his name for ASF. 

Every month, the association calls on volunteers for missions of three or four days. I have already done some repairs in the bush to replace parts on the track. This is very different from routine maintenance in the hangar where we have all the necessary equipment. We are escorted by peacekeepers to help teams who are also volunteers.

For nearly a month, the Mayenne carried out an exceptional mission. "Thanks to the missions carried out for the UN, ASF had the means to buy a new aircraft. A Cessna 208B Caravan EX. A beautiful machine, very solid. It was delivered in January to the United States, with a handicap: it is not at all suitable for winter travel. If it frosts, its wings may deform and this can lead to a crash. 

But the UN has demands and the plane must arrive as soon as possible in Africa in Bangui in the Central African Republic.

These convoys by the northern track remain exceptional, "summarizes the mechanic. Experienced pilots were therefore chosen to bring the aircraft back to Africa. "To secure them, I accompany them. The challenge was not to cross a cloud. It's quite stressful. But all precautions are taken by the association, "adds the volunteer.

Changes in Laval

The exceptional convoy had to make several stops: in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Scotland, and Laval.

The aircraft must undergo modifications and these will be carried out in Laval, at Avialaval, my former company, which is a recognized workshop for the maintenance of airline aircraft.


On Thursday, February 17, Storm Eunice, which arrived on Scotland, prevented the plane and its crew from reaching Entrammes-Laval airport. The plane finally landed on Monday, February 21.

News of the aircraft missions.

Déchargement du OJJC
À Bangui, nous aménageons un hangar en Centre de maintenance aéronautique agréé aux normes internationales. Un projet déterminant pour optimiser nos ressources, sécuriser nos Missions Avions, et développer nos missions en République centrafricaine.
Notre BN2 dans les années 80
À l'occasion des quarante ans d'Aviation Sans Frontières, nous vous partageons des récits et témoignages qui retracent l'histoire de notre ONG. Pour le premier épisode, un extrait du "Grand Panorama" de Zoltan Kovacs, ancien président et pilote : "Aviation Sans Frontières a été créée en février 1980 pour être le point
Le super-constellation F-BRAD
Nous avons appris avec beaucoup de tristesse le décès d’André Gréard le 1er mai dernier.
Cessna208 grand caravan Aviation Sans frontières au sol
Completion of a call for donations to enable ASF to acquire a third aircraft, thus strengthening its operational capabilities